Friday, January 2, 2009

Web Store Development - Espn Store, Washington Wizards, UFC, Minnesota Timberwolves, VH1 - Kiss

Here are a few recent projects I have been involved with

ESPN - Delivery Agent was pitching ESPN on redeveloping their entire ecommerce platform to work in conjunction with their online media efforts. I spent about two weeks revamping our user interface pitch to them to show all of our capabilities and how we could invigorate their online sales. Not exactly sure how the meetings went, but was a fun pitch to do.
Washington Wizards - I was able to design from scratch the entire new Wizards store. Gave me great pride in doing so knowing that Michael Jordan is part owner and the hopes of meeting him at some point. Yeah, would be nice to just meet the man behind the free throw line to basket dunk. The Wizards were elated with their new web presence while the sales and marketing teams were given a solid tool to help drive sales.
UFC - The UFC Store was one of the best selling properties that Delivery Agent could ever hope to be in business with. Sales folks use to laugh as anything that went online sold, but to me that truly shows devotion to a brand. I took that knowledge along with my own zeal for mixed martial arts and designed an ecommerce portal that is reflective of the beast within each fighter. I used bold clean colors and splatter within the graphics to convey the grit and edge along with clean typography to go along with the articulation in which a fighter trains. Personally this is a site for which I am proud and I know Dana White was as well, thanks for the opportunity.
Minnesota Timberwolves - After Delivery Agent landed deals with the Boston Celtics and The Washington Wizards who would have thunk that I would get to design yet another basketball site. The Timberwolves had just been rebranded and wanted a fresh approach to their online sales. The design I am came up with is reflective of the great white north and its cold winters and allows for the merch to stand out which is primarly in grays, deep blues and black. The color palette helped immensely to achieve a solid design solution to a large sales portal.
KISS - Finally, I got the chance to work with KISS. After being the entertainment industry for years with design work I finally got to put something together for a band that markets itself better than Walmart ever could. It wasn't a big project, just a quick afternoon pitch for VH1 but still, was a cool opportunity.

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